Make your Instagram page your best sales person!
Claimbase is a powerful Shopify app that connects your Instagram page to your Shopify online store, so you can make sales through your Instagram page.
Whenever your Instagram followers claim a product on your Instagram page, Claimbase sees the claim, creates a checkout link for that product in your Shopify store, and sends it back to your follower on Instagram in under five seconds!
It works with your:
Live Sales
Story & Feed Sales
Direct Messages
Key benefits for your online business

Save time - no more writing
claim listings by hand.
Claimbase streamlines your Instagram live and story sales process by creating claim listings in real-time and sending them directly to your customers on Instagram within five seconds.
Happier customers thanks to no more blocked claims.
No claim goes unnoticed with Claimbase. Whether it's in your IG lives, stories, feed comments or DMs, Claimbase sees every single claim, making the sale for you and your customer happy.

Enhanced privacy for your business and your customer
Say goodbye to your claim listings being visible publicly on your website and your competitors knowing how much you made. Claimbase sends out claim listings via direct message to your customer on IG, safeguarding their privacy and your confidential business insights.
Stay on top of your sales with a seamless Shopify Integration.
Claimbase closes the gap between your Instagram page and your Shopify store, making it easy for you to keep track of all your online store and Instagram Sales on one central platform: Your Shopify admin

Coming soon: Save more time and get more sales with
Payment reminders & Waitlists.
Never miss a sale again! Claimbase automatically sends payment reminders to customers, ensuring you get paid. Plus, should a product not get paid, it is automatically handed down the waitlist for other customers to buy it! All without you chasing down your customers.
How it works
The seller hosts a sale on their Instagram page. Each available product has a unique Claim-ID. The seller tells you the Claim-ID of each product.
You comment "Claim [Claim-ID]" on an Instagram live sale or feed post, reply to their story or send a DM to the seller on Instagram.
After a successful claim, you receive a checkout link for the claimed product within five seconds. If you claim more products, they are added to the same checkout.
When you are done claiming, click on the checkout link and you'll get directed to the sellers website, where you can check out your claims.
Claimbase Merchant Interface
The Claimbase merchant interface is embedded right into your Shopify Admin.
Here is what Claimbase looks like for you as a merchant:
Does my store need to run on Shopify and do I need to sell on Instagram to benefit from Claimbase?Yes. Claimbase currently only works for Shopify stores that sell on Instagram. We are working on integrating more channels. If you currently use a different online store hosting provider or don't have an online store yet, we are happy to help you set up your own Shopify store!
Do I need to upload products, that I want to sell, to my Shopify store ahead of a sale?Yes, you need to upload products, that you want to sell through Claimbase, to your Shopify store and define a unique claim-ID for each product before the sale. While this might sound like additional effort, we are working hard to make this extra step minimal. Soon, you will be able to edit your products right when you price them, and upload all of them in bulk with just a few clicks.
Do my customers need to download an app in order to claim?No! Your customers do not need to download the app or sign up to anything. For them, claiming and checking out happens right on Instagram, just as they are used to.
Will a live sale host see, who has successfully claimed the item?Yes! Your host will see in real-time, who successfully claimed the item in the claims page. Also the not successful claims are shown, so you can mention, whose claims came through. We know, viewers are always eager to make sure, that their claim came through.
Are multiple claims automatically grouped together?Yes! No matter how many items your customer claims during your live-, story-, feed sale or through your DMs, all items are placed in one basket and are checked out all at once. Just like with an order from your online store.
What happens, when multiple people claim an item?You as the merchant can set the stock level for each of your items. Claims for that item are succesful, and receive a checkout link, until its stock level is reached. E.g.: If the product's stock level is set to 5, the first 5 claims for that product receive a checkout link, the subsequent ones are not successful and don't receive checkout links. In your claims list, not only successful claims are displayed, but also not successful claims. This way, you can go back later and see, which product to get more of in the future.
Can products be given back or swapped during a live sale?Yes! You as the merchant can remove any product from an open checkout with just two clicks right from the claims page. This way, you can also do product swaps: Remove the original item from the checkout and ask your customer to claim the new product. The product, that was removed from the checkout, is available for claiming again.
Can my customers add products from the online store or remove products from the checkout?Not yet. However, we are working towards a solution, that you as a merchant can set, whether or not you want your customers to be able to edit their checkouts. Meaning: You could either set, that customers cannot add or remove products. Alternatively, you will be able to set, that they can remove claimed products and add some from your online store.
Are there ways, that checkout links don't go out immediately?Currently, checkout links go out immediately after a successful claim. If there is demand for checkout links going out at a specific point in time, e.g. after a live sale vs. during the live sale right after a successful claim, this can be realized within certain boundaries. If this is important to you, please reach out to us!
Can payment for claims be extended and paid for all at once, e.g. after an entire week of sales?Yes! You can choose any of the following expiry times for all your checkouts: 1h, 2h, 3h, 6h, 12h, 24h, 2 days, 3 days, 7 days The expiry time starts with the last claim of the checkout. This way, you can freely set after which time payment should be due. You can also set, if the checkout links should be deleted upon expiry. That means, after expiry, the products cannot be purchased through the checkout link anymore. If you choose not to, after expiration, the products can still be purchased through the checkout link, however the products are also claimable again by all other customers. In this case, they would be removed from the original checkout and added to a checkout of the new customer, giving the original customer a motivation to check out the product within your set expiry time.